We live by our convictions, the core values that make us who we are. The Bible is our guide to life, not only because it is good, but because it is true. We want people to know Jesus in a fresh, personal way; to have a real-time connection with God. We are a hospitable people – generous and fun and full of life. We welcome you and your family to join us, anytime.
There is one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God; we believe in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles.
In the person and work of the Holy Spirit with His fruits and gifts available in the Church.
The Bible is the living word of God. It is infallible, authoritative and everlasting and is the foundation of all Christian doctrine.
In the existence of an evil spiritual being known as the devil.
In the spiritually lost condition of all people and the essential need for the new birth by faith in Jesus Christ.
In the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a gift available to believers subsequent to the new birth, with normal evidence of speaking in other tongues.
In the sacraments of the Lords Supper and baptism by full immersion in water for all believers.
In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting separation from God.
In the church being the body of Christ, and each member being an active part of a local church, fulfilling the Great Commission.
Marriage was instituted by God, ratified by Jesus, and is exclusively between a man and a woman. It is a picture of Christ and his church.
Sex is a gift from God for procreation and unity, and it is only appropriate within and designed for marriage.
We are passionate about reaching out beyond the four walls of the church in order to introduce people to Christ. Multiple times a week with outreaches, worship services and a strong evangelical message, we invite people to discover the hope, love, and transformation that comes out of a relationship with God.
Once saved, we believe it’s vital to stay connected to the body of Christ, the Church. For this reason, an inclusive and alive community is ingrained in C3 Blenheim’s culture. Every week we run connect groups and prayer meetings that gather people to do life together, and build community inside the church.
Leaders take us where we cannot go on our own. We encourage every church member to be discipled so they can grow and develop as a follower of Jesus. In turn, this overflows into discipling others. We are passionate about developing kingdom leaders that can rise up and take the lead in the church, the marketplace, families and communities.
God has a plan and purpose for all people. He has given us all gifts to make a difference in this world by serving Him and each other. There are opportunities for every church member to step into the plans and purposes of God by being involved in the advancement of his kingdom, to be an influencer!